A contrast

I subbed in 7th and 8th grade science today. I took notes on comments I heard in my first two classes.

8th graders:

  • How can we figure this out? There are three pages we’re supposed to read and how can I fill out this chart when it isn’t in there?
  • (After getting the instruction that chromebooks should be closed, and yet his wasn’t.) Oh, I didn’t think you meant me.
  • (After being instructed to work independently on the assignment and moving as a group of 5 to the back) I didn’t think you meant us.
  • (After being caught with their phone out) I usually use my phone in here. (Does the teacher let you?) No.
  • (After being told they needed to sign out to use the restroom as the teacher wanted a record of who was leaving the room.) I refused to do that. (Okay, then you can’t go to the bathroom.) Ok, I’ll sign it.
  • You are lying, but you sound like you aren’t.
  • Mr. C. would never make us do all of this.
  • We cannot possibly have to read all of this. (Three pages)
  • I have to go. I have to go. I have to go. I have to go (while waiting for someone to return from the restroom).
  • You are ridiculous with all of your rules.
  • Also, there was an extensive demonstration of loon calls (which I do not know how to spell) and door kicking because it was locked.

7th graders:

  • It’s so nice of you to come to sub for us.
  • Could you be our teacher forever? (Seriously, I had been there ten minutes.)
  • When will you be back?
  • Can you come again soon? (I said I thought their regular teacher was really nice and they agreed, but thought it was nice to have someone new.)
  • You know everything!
  • Thank you.

There is no doubt in my mind that trying to stick with 7th graders this year has been the right call.

Game Night

Since it didn’t seem appropriate to put up a picture of a 7th or 8th grader, I’m dazzling you with a picture of an adorable quilt from game night tonight at Peter and Sue’s house.

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