Monday, June 10, 2024
There is a newly scheduled train running between St Paul and Chicago. We’ve heard a lot about it on the news, as it came into service. When I found out I wanted to be in Waukesha by myself on June 11, I thought of the train. It takes 6 hours to get to Milwaukee and cost $71 round-trip. I was in. I could nap and relax and not have to drive alone.

Last week , I was checking times. One day the train was 3 hours late, the next 6 hours! I didn’t worry too much because I was traveling the day before and after my event.
I was boggled that my train was set to leave on time this morning. I was so nervous and excited. Keith took me right to the train and off I went at exactly 8:50am.

The train cleared the station and stopped. We had an on-time departure, but a train crossing the track ahead had broken apart. We waited an hour for it to clear the track.
Once we got going, it was great. The subtle clickety clack and gentle sway were perfect. I was on a train! 🚂 Gliding by the Mississippi River was beautiful. Peeking on beautiful riverside houses was awesome. At one point there was an eagle flying next to the train, 40 feet to the side of the train at the same height as me. It was very cool.

We stopped again. The train man came on the PA and said, “Well, when it rains, it pours. Another disabled train to wait for.” We waited, then went, then stopped. He came on again and said, “that was exciting, then disappointing, wasn’t it?”
We ended up two hours late. I didn’t like the first wait, because I was excited to get going, but I loved the whole rest of the day! I was so happy all day.
My sister Donna picked me up and we went through the traffic to Nancy’s house. We went out for dinner. We had a great time.
