A Diamond of Science?

We went to our friend’s mom’s visitation tonight. I didn’t know what to say or do, but I am so glad we went. I think funerals are so important. Friends and family coming together is so comforting.

Last week, my sister and I were talking about a friend of my mom’s who didn’t want a funeral, so her family didn’t have a funeral. It’s been quite a few years and I still wish that I could have seen her family and talked about her with them at that time. I said I would have had one anyway, because a funeral is for the living. If the departed was mad at me, then they could haunt me all they wanted to, and I would enjoy their company. For a long time, I wanted Keith to make me into a diamond after I died (it’s real. You can be a diamond), but now I decided no one probably needs a me diamond and I can just be donated to science, because science is so good. Science. Diamond. It really is hard to know. BUT, really, it’s up to Keith, because it’s up to the living.

3 thoughts on “A Diamond of Science?”

  1. I think you are right about the final say being up to the living but there is something very comforting about following wishes too. My Mum wanted to be buried at the top of a hill on our farm. So my brother and I ensured it happened. Every time I go home I smile as Mum is looking down the valley as she dreamed about.

    1. Indeed! We found it relatively easy to plan our mom’s funeral, since we knew her wishes. I guess I really just think there should be a gathering, even if the person didn’t want one. I need that connection with the people.

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