Saturday, February 3. 2024
You know how you feel when something gets cancelled? You’re disappointed, but then you are suddenly gifted time. Last night we wallowed in doing nothing in front of the TV and today we were industrious. We gathered up all the piles of stuff and actually sorted and put things away. We were on fire. Donna and Michael decided to come for my birthday, since we were going to be home. How exciting! So, I really wanted to get some stuff picked up and we had motivation because company was coming.
They arrived after dinner, and we talked about Portugal and this and that and then something brought up the fact that Benjamin has been digitizing our home movies. We started one, and then watched until it was midnight. It was so much fun. We used to be very young. We mathed up that our mom was younger than we are now when Benjamin was a baby. And I will be older tomorrow.
Happy birthday

Thank you, Kristine
Happy birthday

Thanks, Julie
Well, look at the bright side, you’re not as old as I am! I did the math that my mom was 51 when I married Dennis, I will be much much ( needed 2 of those) older when Liz marries Brandon. You can math that one too! Scary big numbers.
So, celebrate this birthday as if you are 30!
Perfect advice! Thank you
And I (clearly) remember when you were both college students and your first house and when the boys were born. And a lot of other stuff. So much to celebrate today – for all of us AND you.
I second that–the remembering and the celebrating.
Happy Best Birthday yet with many more fun travels to come!
Thank you, Cleone