A Free Evening

Thursday, October 3, 2024

I just realized that I wrote the wrong date on attendance all day today at school. I guess they have it done for tomorrow now.

Keith was up half the night with tooth agony and he went to the dentist first thing in the morning. They put in a temporary filling until they could do a root canal in a week. An hour later they called and said C’mon back – we had a cancellation. They root canaled him up and he is pretty comfortable now.

We had nothing on the calendar tonight, so I enlisted Keith to help me with a craft. I never do my crafts by myself. He always gets roped into helping. We got almost half of it done! He did most of the work and I was all excited. Maybe the excitement is part of the work. 🙂 I can’t tell you what it is because it is for a present.

I took his picture, not really showing what he was doing (because secret present), because I had not taken a picture for potd. Five minutes later, my phone dinged. I looked and said, “Donna sent me the picture of the day.”

Donna, Nancy, Benjamin, and Sean are at Olbricht Gardens in Madison at GLEAM – a light up decorations showcase. It is my understanding that butterflies don’t smile. The weather is beautiful this year – no freezy feelings while ooohing and ahhhing.

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