A funeral fit for the Queen

Monday, September 19, 2022

I woke up at 3:30am and didn’t get up. I tried to sleep.

I was still awake at 4:30am. I knew if I got up, obviously there would be no sleep.

I finally got back to sleep at about 5:45, so I could wake up at 6:15am for work.

I didn’t watch the funeral live. I was almost guaranteed to have been late for work. Or to have missed it altogether.

This picture put a lump in my throat as big as….I don’t know. Oh. The Cullinan I diamond.

Rest well, ma’am. Thank you.

4 thoughts on “A funeral fit for the Queen”

  1. I watched it Barbara and it was majestic.
    Worthy of a beloved Queen.
    Particular mention to the Royal Navy ratings who pulled the gun carriage carrying the coffin, the pall-bearers who moved and carried the coffin. Very moving when the Queen’s personal bagpiper played a last lament whilst the coffin was being lowered.
    The procession in London was over a mile long.
    I agree with you. Rest well ma’am . Thank you.

    1. I am glad you were able to watch it. I haven’t watched an video of the entire many hours, but I have watched a lot. I had to read about why the Royal Navy pulled the gun carriage – so interesting. It was majestic! You picked the perfect word.

  2. We watched the whole thing – just amazing and it would be understatement to say that it was a well-deserved tribute. To have served so long and to have endured so much with single-minded purpose is quite an achievement. She was no more perfect than any of us – everyone can look back on life and wish they had done this or that differently. BUT, she did what she did with class – even when she was disappointed. A remarkable person. She also has really good taste musically! Super selections well performed both inside and outside of the churches, and it was said repeatedly that she had a large hand in choosing it. Anyone who thinks they’re not going to miss Queen Elizabeth hasn’t been paying attention. She was the last of a generation of leaders. I was hoping she would at least live to 100…

  3. I was hoping she would live long enough to officially be the longest ruler. She deserves the number one spot because Louis XIV became king at 4 years old and I don’t think that counts. So, in about two years, she would have been the top. In my book, she is number one. You are so right – she was elegant and did everything with class.

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