A Lovely day in Madison

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Oh, my goodness, it is my gramma’s birthday. I didn’t realize the date until I just typed the date. She was born 125 years ago and her name was Hazel Maud – named for her father’s two best horses (or so her story went). Happy birthday, Gramma!

We had Rocky Rococo pizza on Keith’s sister’s deck for lunch. Benjamin and Sean came, and we also got to see our two nephews (and I said all the stupid things like “you look so much more grown up,” etc 🤦‍♀️).

We had dinner at The Old Fashioned, right across from the Capital, with my sister, Nancy, and Keith’s other sister and husband. Yummy food and lovely conversation.

After a walk for ice cream, (do not be fooled by any of these activities- it was cold even wearing my winter coat) we went to the theater to see Hush the Waves. I really enjoyed it. I always have thoughts (I could sooo just end the sentence there – I DO always have thoughts!) about theatrical productions, but I think I had extra many thoughts tonight because I know the playwright. We visited with Sam before the show and he mentioned he was sitting backstage most nights, making changes and cuts. Keith, Nancy, and I enjoyed a thorough critique of the show, but didn’t share with Sam (we will wait to be asked).

My cousin’s son – given up for adoption 45 years ago as fictionalized in the play, but reunited with his birth mother as an adult – was in the audience tonight. Nancy thought there were extra laughs coming from his seating area when the on-stage newborn was described as having chubby cheeks and being a chunk. It certainly added to my interest and enjoyment of the show knowing he was there.