A New hat

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Last year, I boldly got ear plugs (by saying please get me ear plugs to Keith) so my right ear wouldn’t ALWAYS be full of water when I went swimming. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Now, I got a new swimming hat (by saying please get me a swimming hat to Keith. Then explaining what a swim cap is. Then finding one on Amazon – that turned out to be TWO when it came. Twin pack. Surprise. Who needs two? Very confusing. Anyway, I found it and he ordered it, because I don’t push the button).

At first I didn’t have it on very right, and there was sort of an air bubble on top, which made my head floaty. It wasn’t really a problem, but the only thing I could think was, “My head is floaty.” (Okay, I just had to stop and laugh really hard, because even though I wrote that, I didn’t really accurately express that I was thinking, “my head is floaty, my head is floaty, my head is floaty,” and then, “stop thinking your head is floaty. But it is floaty.”) Anyway, it was funny then (to me) and it is funny now (to me).

The bubble on my head was probably a space for lots of hair, because I think that is why people get swimming hats. Because they have lots of hair. I do not have lots of hair. I have very fine hair. It is very fine. (I heard a hair cutting lady tell my mom that when I was little and I was SO PROUD. I had VERY fine hair. Not just fine, but very fine. I seriously was stoked about that for years. Like twenty years.) Anyway, even thought I do not have a lot of hair to fill up the bubble spot (I eventually just squashed the air out and my head wasn’t floaty any more), my hair still got in my face and I didn’t love it. So, I fixed it.

Ta da!!!!!

10 thoughts on “A New hat”

  1. I never had a swimming cap, but I have also always had “very fine” hair. When I wake up in the morning my hair is totally askew, and it will not behave until it has gotten wet and dried in some fashion. Irritating. Maybe I should get a swim cap to sleep in. My head is always floaty, so no cure for that…

    1. There is a phrase for my hair in the morning around here – some hair. As in, “You’ve got some hair going on this morning.” Maybe there should be a coffee table book about fine hair mornings

  2. Excellent hat! I’ve been thinking about getting a swim cap, so maybe this will spur me on. (Funny thing to need a spur to do, but there you go.) I don’t know if I’ll use it to help with morning hair. I’ve often thought mine could inspire a new alien for a space show–it does tend to look like nothing in this world.😳😊

    1. Spur spur spur (jingle jangle jingle). I almost always need something to get me going, so I am happy to spur you on. And, even though it is not ” necessary”, it sure is nice. Let’s have things that make it nice

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