A Pizza Party!

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

I decided last week that we should have a pizza party in the cul-de-sac. On Friday, we put up a sign on the group mailbox inviting people to rsvp to Keith’s phone by noon on Sunday. It was short-ish notice, but I just decided to have a party and we needed time to make the dough and let it do its thing in the refrigerator. We heard from four families for a total of 6 adults and 4 kids, plus Keith and I and my brother, Dave, who was motorcycling up from Waukesha.

Then almost everyone from the cul-de-sac came and we still had too much pizza. My small friend from across the street (4th grade) helped me a ton. I made the pizzas in the kitchen, and she ran them out to Keith and the pizza oven. We kept things simple – just cheese and pepperoni and mushrooms. My helper gave the different combinations names and kept busy canvassing the people for their wants in between running. There was a terrific pasta salad and grapes and watermelon to go with the pizza. By the time I finished making pizzas, I had learned a lot. I joined the circle and we had a really nice time chatting.

The topic somehow turned to whiskey, as our next-door neighbor is a fan. He ended up bringing out a nice bottle of Bourbon and poured a tasting for the people who wanted to try it. It was 100 proof – so significantly more boozy than anything we would ever have. Keith had some, and I drank a….teaspoon?…and then I was wobbled. Keith got an ice cube to chill it and thin it out and then he enjoyed it.

It was a good party. We will do it again.

6 thoughts on “A Pizza Party!”

  1. My hometown newspaper used to have a social column that reported on who visited with so-and-so on which afternoon/evening along with what food and beverage was served. I always smiled when the last sentence of the article was, “A good time was had by all.”

    You would have been the lead story. What a great idea and what a great helper. Your photo tells it all. Surely, a good time was had by all.

    1. I remember those columns! What a fun memory 🙂 I think we can say a good time was had by all!

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