Friday, October 21, 2022
We did not get a puppy. But my friend did. Her name is Lola (the puppy, not the friend). She is a miniature Doodle (not a showgirl). That is a poodle and a something else dog. I had to go see her, because she is a baby! She is smaller and way cuter in person. 🙂
My friend and I went for a little walk and two eagles were flying above us, talking. I don’t think I have ever heard an eagle call before. It was really cool.

You have eagles and I have red kites flying over me in Wales. Both pretty cool birds.
Lola looks lovely. 🙂
I remember the red kites from March! I seem to appreciate birds more lately. Perhaps I have slowed down enough to take the time
Mixed with Lab? Golden? Something else? Interesting that Labrador-poodle mixes are Labradoodles, but you hear Golden Retriever-poodle mixes called Goldendoodles, not Goldoodles. I thought those two were the only kinds called doodles, but found some websites that say anything mixed with a Poodle is called a Doodle. All I know for sure is that, if you type too many words with “oodle” in them, it starts to look really funny.
Thanks for the photo–incredibly cute!
It seems a bit vague, doesn’t it. She is a golden doodle I think, but EB just said Doodle. If I had one, I would probably name her Doodle. It sounds good to me.
Hope the eagles didn’t have designs on the puppy!!!
EB kept saying that – don’t get my puppy! Hard to imagine, yet I know it is real. 🤯
Lola! ❤️