Saturday, December 9, 2023
We decided to get Alexander a hot water heater for Christmas. The one in his house was ancient when he moved in and has not gotten any newer, so we decided to be proactive and get it replaced. He sent a message on Tuesday that it was leaking a bit; he sent a message on Wednesday that he no longer had not water. Keith has always said that he wouldn’t install a gas water heater, because he doesn’t know how.
Apparently, now he knows how (the internet teaches all!) and he and Alexander put in a new water heater this morning, then celebrated with a visit to the Indian buffet.

It was supposed to snow nuisance snow today, and it did. We went down to Lakeville for a radio play of A Christmas Carol, and the roads were a bit slick. The show was a bit uneven. It started with the “Dickens Chicks” doing five songs. They were a group of women who really couldn’t sing very well. I commented after the first tune that at least their piano player wasn’t very good, either, which made Keith burst out laughing. I fell asleep and missed most of one of the tunes, which was very nice.
The radio play was well done – but it was pretty straightforward Dicken’s Christmas Carol – with only a few funny commercial breaks. Somehow, I expected it to be more about the doing of a radio show than an actual radio play (like the incredible episode of Frasier when Niles has to do all the accents. Brilliant!) Not unexpectedly, the Foley guy was the most fun. He did a great job.
It snowed just enough to keep the roads wet while we were at the show. The temperature was 29 when we set out for home. Most of the map was orange. Ew. It turned out not to be full of cars, just that the cars that were there were going slowly. That just felt safer and not a problem. We were coming up 35E and got into the merge lane to 494 behind a truck. We had been traveling about 55mph (limit is 70), but we had to sloooooow way down behind the truck that was going between 22 and 26. That is weirdly slow, and scary slow to be merging onto another highway at 26mph.
We made it home and are happy that no more snow is in the forecast.