A swing and a miss

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

I woke up at 6:23 this morning, which is exactly what time I got up yesterday for work. But today was not a work day, so I (quite easily) convinced myself to snuggle in and sleep some more. The weather was cool and perfect for sleeping. (Remember the hot from yesterday? Gone. Very gone.)

I woke up at 8:58 to a tiny crinkling sound. I opened my eyes and Keith was standing next to the bed. He said, “There’s an egg-a-muffin and oatmeal in this bag. I have to go to a meeting in two minutes.” He had been to the doctor for a cortisone shot to the shoulder and brought me McDonald’s breakfast. What an absolute treat.

I unpacked the bag for breakfast in bed. I organized my oatmeal – add apples and raisins – mmm, so good. I unwrapped my egg-a-muffin. I love love love egg-a-muffins. Before pandemic, McDonalds had started offering them all day, which was dangerous, because I ordered my regular food AND an egg-a-muffin. Pandemic and staff shortages made them cut it back to just breakfast. Sad, but probably ultimately better.

Anyway, I unwrapped my egg-a-muffin and it was not an egg-a-muffin. It was a sausage-a-muffin. I do not like sausage in general, I took a bite. It was okay. I took another bite. It really wasn’t my thing. I took the sausage out. It was just sad. I recombobulated it and snuck it to Keith in his meeting. He was so disappointed his treat had failed. About a month ago, he tried to bring the same treat back from a doctor’s appointment, but when he got home, there was only oatmeal in the bag – no egg-a-muffin at all. He specifically checked this morning – not wanting that to happen again. A sandwich was there, wrapped in its yellow paper; just not the right flavor.

So, he tried twice and gets full credit. He is a sweetie.

4 thoughts on “A swing and a miss”

  1. Nothing worse that expecting something and receiving something else, especially where food is concerned!
    Sorry to hear Keith’s shoulder is troubling him. I trust otherwise he is okay now.
    Our temperatures are dropping over here as we enter Autumn.

    1. He IS finally over his covidy or whatever it was. The shot is likely to set his shoulder straight.🤞It feels like fall now, but only a few trees have a bit of color. I think we are going to have a colorful year

  2. I order sausage and egg biscuit but occasionally receive the muffin version instead.
    So disappointing.
    Edible, but not the treat I’d imagined.

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