Keith was the featured soloist with the Sheldon Theater Brass Band today, as well as playing the soprano cornet for the entire concert. I would like to give a big shout out to Donna and Michael and Peter and Sue and Carla and Mark for making the trip to Red Wing to attend the concert and support Keith. It really means a lot. Thank you!!
I’ve been to the rehearsals with Keith for the past few weeks and really enjoyed listening to all of the songs. Today’s performance really clicked together, and everything sounded great. I was impressed with everyone. I did record Keith’s solo, but he would rather share the audio when he gets it from the official recording, not just from my phone. Fair, I guess, but a bit disappointing for today.

Well done Keith. Hope I can hear it sometime. 😃
Looking forward to hearing Keith’s solo…. Good to see that Mr. Huffine’s “Them Basses” was on the program. Not “great music” but definitely fun music – especially if one is a low brass player!