A three year plan

Monday, August 29, 2022

Today I thought a lot about our three year vacation plan. I’ve had a multi-year vacation plan in my head as long as I can remember. I enjoy the planning and imagining, and in order to get the best deals, you have to start early. Pandemic threw that all under a bus. My plans are solid for the rest of 2022, then I have nothing. Oh! No! A Jeopardy Alaska cruise that I am NOT on right now, rescheduled for June.

This evening I involved Keith in making plans. We scoured the Princess website – looking at every cruise that leaves out of Southampton, UK, – just in case our English friends from Wales are interested. We thought about Ireland. They could take a ferry.

We looked at places to go in the winter that won’t be as cold as here (in other words, just about anywhere). We tried to work around my possibly working every other week for six months. We considered the milestone birthdays that happen in February and April.

We wondered if we could get someone to travel with us. We scored with our friends for the cruise in October. Maybe we can do it again. If we go to New Orleans, we could lure Alexander. Maybe Kauai would entice Benjin and Sean.

We decided nothing, except that we going to go to Japan in 2025. At least that is settled.

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