A Treat in the Void

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

We call places that you could have been, but haven’t, the Void. You know, the road between two neighborhoods that you have visited but never had to go between them before, or perhaps an exit on the highway not far from where you live that you have never taken before.

I was meeting a friend in St. Paul for a walk and talk today. I got directions to the park on my phone, because there is so much construction EVERYWHERE, you never know how to get where you are going.

It took me through the Void! What fun. Instead of taking more major city streets, I went through a neighborhood (a major neighborhood road). As I was driving down a brand new (to me) street, I drove past this hibiscus bush. My head swiveled dangerously to ogle it (well, it could have been dangerous if I hadn’t been driving very slowly, alone, down the new street). I have heard of such bushes, that live in our cold climate, and make giant flowers, but I haven’t ever seen one.

After the walking and talking, I was looking for it on the way home. It wasn’t where I expected it to be, it was blocks and blocks farther back (I must have been so enamored with the flowers that I didn’t even notice how far I still had to go). I found it. I pulled around the corner to park and walk back to see it. I walked up the neighbor’s driveway to get close-ish in order to take a picture. I really expected someone to come out and ask me what I was doing. I stopped to take a picture of flowers a couple years ago a few blocks from my house and the homeowner barreled out to yell at me. I was ready to gush about the plant and to ask lots of questions until they wanted to get away from me and ran back in their house. I remained alone, a bit disappointed not to be excited with someone.

I might need a hibiscus bush of giant flowers. If I get one, everyone should come over to see it. OH! I have to plant it in the front yard. so people can take pictures. Good thinking!

5 thoughts on “A Treat in the Void”

  1. We have two or three of them right off of our back deck, and they’re FULL of flowers right now. The weird thing is that they die back to NOTHING – all the way to ground, and the next year they do this again from the ground up. Worth the wait!

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