A wonderful day

Thursday, September 22, 2022

I texted my friend about 5pm that I had wasted the entire day. Then I stopped and thought about what I had said. I said it because I had not done the dishes or the laundry – two things I had yesterday thought I would do first this morning. I considered what I had actually done today and realized that it was a completely wonderful day.

I slept in longer than I expected, because I don’t usually sleep well, and don’t usually sleep in. I was answering emails when my sister called to tell me it was stupid cold. It was 48 degrees here. I was loving it. How nice to have a nice call first thing. I scurried to a nice toasty shower, then zoomed to Jean’s backyard for a gathering of random people who like to meet and chat. My friend who has been ill was there and was looking really good. We got to chat for a bit together before he had to go. He has moved to a senior living center and couldn’t have spoken more highly of it. He still has his house – and goes over daily – but is loving the safety/no stairs of the new apartment, as well as the features of the residence and the companionship of others. I literally could not have been happier when I heard about it.

The group talked about Ken Burns’ new doc about the Holocaust and the United States. I know quite a bit about the holocaust – more than I wish, actually, only because I wish it hadn’t happened at all – but really nothing about the United States and the Holocaust. I seemed to be the only one of the ten people who wasn’t watching it. What a joy it was to listen to educated people talking about what more they had learned and how it related to a variety of other topics. Although I initially thought I would not watch, I am now very interested.

As the group got smaller, I ended up talking about Benjamin and juggling. There were people there that I did not know, and the subject came up, and they were very interested in how that all started. It was delightful to talk about going to juggling conventions over 20 years ago and being so proud to be recognized as Benjamin’s mom. It is so interesting to me to think about all of the niche hobbies or skills or interests that cause like-minded people to gather and share and learn and enjoy. People are always so surprised to know the International Jugglers Association exists – and I am proud to educate them.

One woman and I started for our cars and then spent half an hour talking about being substitute teachers, moms, and other stuff in the front yard. She knows a recent college grad who was a math major and isn’t sure what to do with all of that math knowledge. She wondered if Benjamin might be able to give some actuary advice – but had heard in the juggling stories that talking to strangers is not his primary (secondary, or even vigenary) interest. She suggested maybe they could email. I think he can handle that. I’m excited to foster a little help for a guy starting out.

The sun was shining on us, and the clock said it was almost 2pm. I was going to grocery shop, but no. I realized I needed to get home to jump in the pool. It was 60 degrees, but the sun was warm and I am a die hard pool girl. I grabbed a handful of pretzels for lunch and was out on my floaty, listening to my audio book by 2:15. The shade comes early this time of year, so I hopped in the hot tub at 3:15 and promptly fell asleep. I have dozed before, but this was my first bona fide hot tub nap, I think. I missed a lot of audio book.

I got dry and dressed and ready to shop. Keith asked what dinner would be and I suggested DQ. He is SUCH a dessert fan, yet he looks very quizzically at me when I suggest dessert for dinner. I am never kidding. My very melty cone the other day was so melty, but so good, and I wanted another one. After my cone, I had pretzels and cheese. I was done eating for the day.

We went to Sam’s and bought all the things. Tomorrow, I will cook! We watched last night’s Survivor. Now it is now. The dishes are still not done and the laundry is still waiting, but it was really a wonderful day.

4 thoughts on “A wonderful day”

  1. Once upon a time (a day in 1988), I had a very long to do list. On that very day, before even one thing was accomplished, my mother-in-law asked me to help her clean out her jewelry box. I love my MIL, and really how long can it take to clean out a jewelry box? Well, if every piece of jewelry has a story to go with it, it can pretty much eat up a whole day.

    Tom came home (we were living with his parents at the time) and asked if I had gotten x, y and z done. When I said I hadn’t, he asked what I had done all day. I told him about helping Mom clean her jewelry box and he looked puzzled. I explained that in 20 years, I would be very happy with my choice. It’s been more than 30 years and I still remember that perfect day.

  2. 1) Right on Louise! 2) The US and the Holocaust is important to watch – we still have one episode to go. Like all holocaust things, it’s depressing, but really important – so relevant to things that are happening now in the US and elsewhere. 3) If we can have ice cream for lunch every Friday, there’s no reason for you guys not to have it for supper every now and then…

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