I went to the movies all by myself. The second Downton Abbey movie started today. Keith didn’t watch the show, so I knew I would be on my own to see it. I figured no time like the present.
Then I thought about things I should do around the house. The thing is, I don’t really ever get the things that need doing around the house done. Ever. Partly because as soon as I start the dishwasher, we are having a snack. I notice that whenever I do laundry, I am already wearing (and making dirty) clothes. There are piles of things that always need to be looked at and dust that could be removed, and I have mastered overlooking all of that. But when deciding to just up and do something just for me – that is when I start thinking I need to do all those things that I have not been doing.
Yet, I decided that those things could be avoided for another day. I jumped in the car and was off to the Woodbury 10.
I think it is the first place since pandemic started that I have gone by myself (other than work) (Keith does not go to school with me. That would be hilarious). Ah, no. I have gone to the doctor. I will amend that to it’s the first time I’ve gone anywhere fun by myself. What am I saying? I go to the library to get actual books sometimes. Anyway, it felt like a big deal to me. Off on my own. Some people don’t like to go to movies by themselves, but I think it is just fine. You don’t have to share your popcorn.
I love movies made about old TV shows. It is like meeting up with old friends. These old friends had the most wonderful clothes, so it was extra delightful seeing them. What a win.

I must also mention that today we had a monstrous hail storm. It was so very loud – I was upstairs and it sounded like baseballs hitting the roof. Stop it, Mother Nature.
I was did something fun today too – an hour massage. Ahhhh . . .
The ONLY thing better than an hour long massage is a 90 minute massage!
Amen… Nothing is more true! I will be seeing my massage therapist on Monday morning, and life will be better. Everybody should at least give it a try… And hope the movie was wonderful….
A massage is my mostest, mostest, most favorite thing. The thought of a massage is repellent to Keith. Huh