Friday, March 8. 2024
We had tickets to see The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime done by a local theater company. We had seen the touring production a few years ago and I loved it. Just loved it. I remembered the main character was neurodivergent and the set was full of cubes, but that is all I remembered. I texted Louise to see if they wanted to come along and they did. She had read the book and said she didn’t remember much. Apparently, it’s a thing.

The sets were cubes that rolled around and got stacked to represent all the settings. The teenaged main character played Tetris early in the show and appreciated the orderliness of the game. I appreciated him playing – I played along while his game was on the screen, then continued it in my head for a few turns before I told my brain to knock it off. What I did NOT notice (this time or last time I saw it) until Keith pointed it out to me was that all the cubes on stage were actually Tetris pieces.
<Insert face palm here>

I certainly noticed it after Keith told me. Seriously, how could I have missed that?!
It was opening night and when I checked the website to see if there were tickets available before inviting Tom and Louise, I saw a notice that invited everyone to join them for an opening night party after the show.
We went! Keith went to the bathroom and the rest of us ditched him and went to the party. I texted him, but he didn’t see it. He found us after looking everywhere else in the building. (It’s not a very big building) There were realllly good snacks. We think all shows should have snacks afterward. We felt like we were sneaking in because we didn’t know anyone in the cast, but it was definitely for anyone who wanted to go. No one was looking at us strangely or anything, even though I went back three times for just one more cracker. (Man, they were good crackers. I don’t get crackers in my real life. Diabetic, you know.)