Another good movie

Our terrific friends invited us to go to see Father Stu tonight. I knew nothing about it – seems to be a theme these days – but I am always up for a movie and love to share movies with these folks.

I do not practice a religion. I was never Catholic. I did not think I was the target demographic for this film, but it really gave me something to think about it. I was very impressed that that could happen. Mark Wahlberg impressed me with his ability to play Father Stu as he aged and went through a lot of changes. Whomever wrote this movie (I know I should look it up, but I am so lazy) wrote wonderful dialog. I would like to know people this articulate! I realize that statement might make you think the film is not believable, but I totally bought it. I absolutely love anyone who is realllllly good at whatever they are doing, and this has a great example of that.

I laughed (out loud, really loudly several times). I cried (choked up for sure, perhaps a tear actually fell). Don’t let the “religious” possibility steer you off this movie – it’s very good.

Rosalind Ross wrote and directed the film. I had to look it up.

1 thought on “Another good movie”

  1. And then I had to look up Rosalind Ross. She is also Mel Gibson’s partner and mother of one of his children.

    She has a couple more movies in the development stage. I’ll be looking forward to those.

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