Anything Goes

Thursday, November 10, 2022

We went to see Woodbury High School’s production of Anything Goes tonight. I enjoyed it thoroughly. None of my current students were in it, but I recognized lots of kids from having had them at Woodbury Middle. It was great fun to see the whole cast tap dancing to close out the first act.

The show wasn’t sold out – not even close – which was really disappointing. When I asked in a couple of my classes if anyone was in the show, or even going to the show, most people just looked confused. Play? What? (At least they didn’t actually say, “I have to stay home and look at my phone/play video games.”)

We got to come in the door closest to where we parked, because I HAVE A KEY (and am therefore very special). I had to bring my keys, because I had to show Keith my classroom. I took him on a tour of where I fill my water bottle, where the staff bathroom is, and all of the important parts of my room: cute Kleenex box that looks like an Easter Island statue, a mostly empty animal cracker tub, and, well, that was all. I could have stood in front and said, “Be quiet,” 50 or 60 times to demonstrate class, but I didn’t think of it. Oh, well.

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