Saturday, April 1, 2023
We woke up to 12 inches of beautiful snow this morning. Everyone else seemed to be unable to grasp that April snow is not unusual in Minnesota. We kept track for 20 years on Keith’s birthday – was it winter or was it summer? Guess what? Perfect split – 10 years it was green and warm, and ten years it was snow and cold. The lesson is expect nothing, because anything is normal. I was just looking and looking. The sun was shining and everything looked so sparkly and pretty. The crab tree in the front was really laden with snow because of all the berries it holds onto all winter. I was worried that even if it hadn’t broken yet, it still could. After a few minutes of debate, I put on actual winter boots (when did I last do that? I have no idea) and snow pants (I had a moment when I thought my always-giant snowpants would be too small. Luckily, they were still giant) and headed out with a broom. I don’t know if the tree cared, but I felt better. The bush on the side of the house was flat with all the snow and I brushed him off and made him bounce back up.
A neighbor tried to drive his CRV out to work and got stuck right away. He was trying to go to work and that just didn’t happen. Later tonight, I saw nasty comments on FB from other neighbors about how much of a problem he caused (keeping the plow from doing our cul-de-sac sooner) and how poor his judgement was. I don’t know. I can think things about people I don’t know – because it’s easy to be unkind to nameless, faceless people – but when they are your neighbors, I am pretty surprised people are willing to put it in print. I typed out more information, correcting their misassumptions, and deleted it. I will let their words stand.
We went to Alexander’s house to visit the kitties because he is out of town. We picked up dinner to eat there, then watched a movie so the kitties had company for a while. Both of them gathered to me – Colby on and Sophie near, because that is their way. They are the social-est of kitties – they were SO HAPPY went I opened the lock on the door – tails and noses wiggling with delight to see people.

Alexander’s street (he lives in St. Paul) wasn’t plowed, and I wondered if people were up in arms. It is certainly hard to navigate with the snow, but I don’t know how a plow would get down the street with cars parked on either side. I know there is a parking ban – no parking on the even side of the street, but there were plenty of cars parked there anyway. Alexander’s house is the second on the street so we didn’t have far to go and made it in and out fine.
Nice winter photos–outside with snow, and inside with lap-warmers. 🙂
The very best kind of lap warmers!