Baaaahhhh Duuummm

Thursday, November 21, 2024

That is my best impression of the machine from The Princess Bride. (If you haven’t seen it, then stop reading this and go watch it. Don’t be ridiculous.) It is not the sound this machine makes, but it is what I thought of, so there it is.

It was mammogram day. I was chatting with the very pleasant technician and thought to take a picture, so here you go. She took a lot of extra pictures – needing more views of something, which doesn’t bode well, but it is probably nothing. I have heard some people feel great pain with this procedure, but I just think it is mildly uncomfortable at most. The worst part for me is the not breathing. They tell you to not breathe while they actually are taking the pictures (they? Who are they? I am talking about the invisible, unknowable they like I don’t know that there was just one person there. Pfft). Anyway, you can’t breathe for the 10 seconds the machine is actually working. My problem is when they say don’t breathe, I’m never ready, I have just exhaled. EVERY TIME. I know, how is that possible? It probably isn’t, but it feels like it. And I just stop breathing and instantly think HELP, I AM NOT BREATHING.

So, I was texting Maren tonight and telling her I had to have extra pictures. As I wrote about my breathing issues, I suddenly realized I COULD TELL THE LADY TO GIVE ME A BETTER HEADS UP.

Literally never thought of it.

All these years. All these times. I am always thinking about the breathing…when is she going to say stop breathing…now?…now?..breathe out…stop breathing…AUGH.

I could have been asking for a 1-2-3 stop breathing. Every single woman I have ever had has been kind and approachable. I could have asked, but I never thought of it. Never. thought. of. it.


I don’t know. Probably because I am busy thinking about getting ready to not breathe.

I am going to write a note in my calendar for next year. Remember to ask about when to not breathe. I am excited. I love when I figure stuff out.

4 thoughts on “Baaaahhhh Duuummm”

  1. I was also mammogramed this week. I did not ask about a heads up for the “don’t breathe” time, but I did make her promise not to leave me in the machine if a fire alarm went off.

  2. Julie Bakken-Johnson

    Ha I had mine yesterday too and for the first time ever. She said take a small breathe in. Now hold it hold hold it. Release breath. lol. Otherwise I am just like you ack I need to breath. Help.

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