Back to My Favorite Place

Friday, January 6, 2023

I was back at Woodbury Middle School, subbing for 7th grade science. This teacher is ultra-organized and always has a wonderful plan for me when I am there. I love doing science, because there is always work to be done (free time is a substitute killer), but there is also time for stories. I told a story to one hour and I can’t remember what it was. I do remember thinking, “Well, this has never come up before.” I’d tell you, if I could remember. The classes were (except the last one) really quiet. I started throwing Jolly Rancher candies at the people that answered my questions – What do you think this part of the cell is going to look like? (random stuff like that). I gave people fair warning that I CANNOT THROW. If I hit another kid, the candy was theirs. I managed to get all my throws to the kids in the front to the kids in the front row. A couple people caught the candy, but none of those people were the original target. For YEARS (all of the years of subbing, until this last fall), I would not give out candy. Lots of teachers do. I don’t. Because I am mean. I ended up getting some candy for HIGH SCHOOLERS (what? What is that about? I don’t even remember, but I wanted some for something, so I bought a bag of Jolly Ranchers at Sam’s club for $9. Apparently that $9 bag had infinite Jolly Ranchers, because there are still a LOT in the bag). So, now I have candy I do not like, so I took some along today and threw it at kids to entertain myself. I am back in this classroom in March for a week. I thought they might as well get a crash course in liking me.

What was that story?

Whatever it was, they thought it was hilarious.

MMMmmmmm. I have no idea.

Anyway, it was a great day in science. It was a great day being back in the building where I know people. It took me 90 minutes to get home after school because there were a lot of kind people chatting with me. How nice.

4 thoughts on “Back to My Favorite Place”

  1. I didn’t think it would be long before you were back in the classroom. Well done. 🙂

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