Bad bunnies

I’ve always heard people angry with bunnies for eating their gardens. Now I am one of those people. It’s okay if they want to have a little, but c’mon bunnies! Eating our lilies and hosta down to the ground? That is not fair. Stop it. We sprayed some bad smelling stuff tonight. It says go away bunnies.

Nonetheless, we planted some new things. We. We meaning Keith. He’s good that way.

One of our new plants is a Calla Lily. I put it in a pot so the bunnies won’t get it. It is the most beautiful thing.

1 thought on “Bad bunnies”

  1. Dang bunnies… They are neither cute nor our friends. I root for the fox that lives somewhere on our hill. I put out smelly stuff (that we can’t smell) to keep the deer away from our landscaping stuff. It’s not like there’s nothing else for the bunnies to eat. I think that they look at our landscaping and gardens as “The Ritz” of bunny dining. I wish I could believe that they THINK that we put it there for them and they’re grateful. Oh, well… Beautiful Calla Lily. I wouldn’t be so sure that the bunnies wouldn’t raid a pot, too… (I am indeed the Farmer McGregor of the tales of Peter Rabbit!!)

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