Bad luck with Tires

Monday, September 12, 2022

Benjamin has had an extraordinary amount of bad luck with car tires. I don’t know how many times he has had a flat tire. At least six times. More than six times, I think. He’s only been driving for 12 years. That’s a lot of flat tires, I think.

Alexander has been driving our car for a bit. His car had a battery issue and so he took our car while Keith investigated (and fixed) the problem with his car. There’s been no hurry to switch back, since it’s been convertible weather – and we don’t drive anywhere anyway. Okay, not really true…but we always go places together in the summer, so the convertible is the vehicle of choice.

Anyway, Alexander sent a message that said, “I guess I owe you a tire.” A big spikey thing jumped up and went into the tire. I am sure Benjamin will be very glad that it is now Alexander’s turn for the bad luck.

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