Based on thoughts

Friday, October 28, 2022

I came out of school and it was summer again! Sunny and warm and wonderful. After Keith finished work, I suggested we work on gathering some of the front yard’s leaves, to lessen the load on tomorrow. He zipped right out and started, while I continued to play Solitaire. I just cannot stop mid-game.

I have been in charge of the leaves for always. He is the worker. I am the helper. Leaf retrieval is best done in the daytime and that is my time to be helping. We did leaves last Sunday together, because my heart was too thumpy to get much done on my own. It was SO great. He is way better at leaf retrieval than I am. Today seemed like a good heart day, but I was more than willing to take any help I could get. I mowed and bagged. We (really, really mostly him) emptied the bag into the Monster Yard Bag, then he dragged it to the compost spot in back yard.

I have complicated thoughts on mulching up some leaves and leaving them on the grass, and mulching up some leaves and bagging them, and just bagging others (okay, who are we kidding here? I have complicated thoughts about everything). I have to get the bag just the right of fullness, so as not to waste the stopping and dumping on partial bags (the woist) and also not to have it so stuffed that I need three or four arms to get it emptied. Keith was just standing there, watching me meander around the yard, making paths go this way and that way. I stopped the mower and he said, “You are making very…interesting…paths.” I looked right at him and said, “It is all based on thoughts,” started up the mower, and continued on my (circuitous) way.

The front yard leaves have been conquered for the year. I was so dirty that most of my clothes are in the garage. Keith came in and sat down on a blue chair with his dusty clothes. I yelled at him.

Thanks for helping, Keith!

4 thoughts on “Based on thoughts”

  1. Loved your thought paths! (I was going to say I liked them very mulch . . . . ouch!) Maybe you were subconsciously creating a mandala. I assume it’s gone now, if so, but maybe there’s a Google Earth photo showing what design you made.
    This reminded me of visiting Tennessee Tech years ago during a building boom. They didn’t put in sidewalks until the buildings had been in place for a year, so they could pour the concrete where the students had walked–another great use of thought paths.

    I think this might be a new research discipline, and maybe a meditation technique.

    1. Very mulch! Teehee I am thinking now of all the times I mowed our big rectangular side yard at the old house and never wrote anything or made any designs. Auuuugggghhhh
      Tennessee Tech is brilliant!!! What a great idea!

  2. For everybody…. Here’s the best leaf tarp ever. I’ve been borrowing our neighbor’s for the past couple of years and decided to get my own this year. If you like to work out frustration stuffing leaves into bags, then this isn’t for you. If you have a compost area like the Thompsons and we do, it’s a Godsend!

    1. OoOoOO! If I was a raker, that would be the absolute best thing ever!! If we didn’t have the monster yard bag, I would get one immediately. I look at our neighbors and their paper bags full of leaves and it makes me tired. We have a lot of leaves! We would NOT like putting them in bags!

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