Tuesday, January 28, 2025
There is no before picture. Darn. Keith went over to Alexander’s to install the new sink and cabinet we got him for Christmas. They were about at this point

when Alexander said, “We forgot to take a before picture.”
It was ugly. I mean really, really ugly. (Sorry, Alexander, if you don’t agree.) I usually don’t notice things (feel free to wear the same thing every day. I won’t notice), but this cabinet was UGLY and the sink was just ew. Even when cleaned and scrubbed, ew. I think the new one is a vast improvement.
There are black, curved tiles that create the “baseboard”. Keith expected to have to cut one to make the cabinet fit in, but it was exactly 5 tiles wide. Win. Some plumbing dealie that was probably standard in 1953 when it was installed no longer exists. Keith, Alexander, and two Menards employees searched for nearly an hour to determine that. Only 72 years and already they are changing things. The internet will provide the new one and water will flow after it arrives.
Sophie was the helper. She held down the bath mat in the tub the whole time.

Go Sophie, go!!!
Oh goodness no. Going is not Soph’s strong suit.