Magic Kingdom Day
Sunday, August 13, 2023 There is a virtual queue that you have to try to get into by mashing a button on your phone exactly at 7am. They give a group number and you show up during the day when they call...
It's not just the humidity, The heat is ohmygod, too
Saturday, August 12, 2023 Today is the day we made our first return to Walt Disney World since March of 2020. We took a Lyft from the airport directly to our hotel, the Boardwalk, since the wonderful Magic...
Oh, look. It's Hail.
Thursday, August 11, 2023 It was a stunning day. My pool buddies came over, including an almost college freshman, and we had such fun talking about starting college and finishing summer and just enjoyed...
Getting Ready
Thursday, August 10. 2023 I used to be good at packing. Really good. Everything was organized by day, we had what we needed and didn’t have much extra. I was very happy if all the clothes came home...