So Close!
Thursday, July 20, 2023 Today’s POTD is the ball after my brother David’s tee shot. SO close to a hole in one! My brother Dennis got a two on Wordle. So close! A fine day after birthday for...
National Barbara Day
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 Happy birthday to my brothers! I wore my crown all day, but I never ventured farther than the backyard, so no one got to enjoy it except Keith. He is so lucky. I heard from my...
The things you learn
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Apparently tomorrow is National Barbara Day! Who knew? I did not. My friend, Jean, put it on her Facebook (probably just to celebrate me) (teehee) and I have confirmed with the internet...
The Puzzle Library
Monday, July 17, 2023 You know those little libraries people have in their yards? Down the street from our old house (which is up the street from our new house), there is a little puzzle library. It is...