Martin Luther King, Jr
Monday, January 16, 2023 Do you know about Martin Luther King, Jr? I bet you know who he is, but do you know a lot about him? Your own opinion on what a lot is. I know some. I know enough, because no one...
Good Food, Good Company, Good Entertainment
Sunday, January 15, 2023 Our very good friends, Mike and Mary, came over to watch brass band videos today. We had LOTS of catching up to do, so we talked without taking a breath for the first two hours...
A Concert and A Romantic Supper
Saturday, January 14, 2023 Keith played the annual family concert with the Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra today. It is an afternoon concert every January – free for everyone. There was a very nice...
A Rememberful Day and POTD stealing
Friday, January 13, 2023 I have no rights to this picture of the day. My sister sent it to me. It’s someone she knows. It’s someone I know. It is taken in New Zealand. I think it is AMAZING!...