Not what I expected of today
Friday, February 10, 2023 I really didn’t want to go to work today. I don’t know why. I had the day off yesterday and wallowed in my life – hot tubbing, reading, writing letters, eating candy – all the...
A Dog on a Shelf
Thursday, February 9, 2023 We went to the Fitzgerald Theater (ya know, F. Scott was a local boy) tonight, the same theater we saw The Princess Bride a few weeks ago. We don’t think we’ve been...
I love a plan
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 We went to see the estate planning lawyer today. He is a really fun guy to talk to. We talked estate planning (as planned) and we talked about travel. He said he had five couples...
I love a tour
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 When you spend money at the Mall of America pre-Christmas, you can earn rewards – tickets to Camp Snoopy* (the amusement park), Fish at the Mall** (the aquarium), Something...