It Huuuuuurts
Wednesday, November 2, 2022 We started glass class tonight. I had so much fun making a paper weight that I was interested in doing more, or at least doing that again. I investigated and discovered a 6-week...
Day after Halloween carving
November 1, 2022 Keith and I have watched Halloween competition shows in years past – cake makers and chocolateers and punkin carvers create amazing tableaus in 6 or 7 minutes (oh, hours..). Impressed...
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 31, 2022 It was interesting how many high school students suggested that we should have today or tomorrow, or both, off from school because it is Halloween. I asked them how they celebrate...
He would just buy candy
Sunday, October 30, 2022 I am thinking about going trick or treating tomorrow, because it is not going to be super cold out. What fun it would be to be out and not be hustling just to stay warm (I have...