Still not a chicken burger
This has just been a fantastic day. I had the great idea of going to Cardiff to see the graffiti art supporting Ukraine. It appeared last week and I think it is absolutely stunning. I saw it in my newsfeed...
Digestives, Wine Gums, and a Cemetery
I got up this morning and had a bit of a panic that we are leaving soon. I don’t know what I think I need or want to do before we go, but I felt like there must be something. I calmed myself down...
A Drive Across Wales
Steve and Sheila drove us home! We spent a delightful morning with more poached eggs ala Steve (using eggs laid by Henrietta and I-can’t-remember-but-it-seems-like-it-was-an-M-name in the back garden)....
It's been a big day
I slept all night – first time since I got to Wales. Yay! Steve cooked me a perfect poached egg for breakfast and it was delicious. Sheila and I headed out to do “Click and Collect” (picking...