We trained to Cardiff. It took an hour and we were in a big city. I was delighted to find an Upper Crust sandwich shop in the station. We’ve found Upper Crust in most UK train stations we’ve...
An Outing
When Mervyn drove us to the bus last weekend (Oh, wow. Was that only last weekend?) he pointed out a former colliery (coal mine)(pit) that has been turned into a museum. He worked in the pit there for...
Not an excuse
Tonight was the last rehearsal. I felt sad. Of course, I feel sad when TV shows end. (I like emotions.) I was warmly greeted by several people as they came in and couldn’t help wondering who we would...
A surprising walk
I suggested a walk to Keith about 11am. He was finished with the China team and the US teams were still a bit from the start of their work day. It was brightly cloudy and the wind had died down. We went...