We sat down to eat lunch and I was facing the front door. I took one bite, and said, “Keith, there’s a guy in the front yard.” I say things like that (when there is a guy in the front...
What other people know
I am sooooo aware that there are so many things I don’t know. I absolutely love learning how much other people know. Keith has been suspicious that there is some kind of leak in the pool since last...
John's RootBeer Stand
We were heading home today, but not before we stopped over to John’s for lunch. My brother and sister ordered wimpy little medium sized root beers. Keith and I ordered large mugs. The very friendly...
Josh Groban
About a week ago, I randomly thought, “I wonder if Josh Groban is touring this year.” I looked it up and it said he was in Milwaukee June 21 and tickets were $30. What? We investigated. He...