Caerphilly Castle
I had a great idea! We could get up really early and train and bus to see another castle. It is the second largest castle in the UK (Windsor is the first) and it seemed a shame to miss it, since we are...
Didja Know?
Didja know that there are 3.1 million people in Wales, and about 10 million sheep? In square miles, Minnesota is about ten times the size of Wales, and has just less than twice the population. I don’t...
Still not a chicken burger
This has just been a fantastic day. I had the great idea of going to Cardiff to see the graffiti art supporting Ukraine. It appeared last week and I think it is absolutely stunning. I saw it in my newsfeed...
Digestives, Wine Gums, and a Cemetery
I got up this morning and had a bit of a panic that we are leaving soon. I don’t know what I think I need or want to do before we go, but I felt like there must be something. I calmed myself down...