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A Picture
Tuesday, September 11, 2024 I love to take pictures. Keith is a saint for all of the time he has spent just waiting for me to take pictures of everything – flowers, garbage, kids, you name it,...
I can never decide
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 I’m going to work on Thursday, so the end of my summer long vacation is looming. I always think I am going to “do” something during the summer, while I am...
Monday, September 9, 2024 It was a gorgeous , 80 degree day. I was out floating around, watching a lot of bees fly to and from the sedum. I took a picture – just one – and didn’t even...
Sunday, September 8, 2024 Alexander attacked his backyard after work on Friday and worked a lot yesterday. He created some huge piles of unwanted vegetation. I went this morning to help while Keith played...