
I love to read. I love books. Always have. I have books from when I was little that make me happy just having them on the shelf. From the time I was about in middle school until I started college, I would save up my money to buy books. I can so remember creeping around the bookstore at Brookfield Square, the nearest mall, carefully plotting what I would buy next. I certainly remember going to the library, but buying books was getting treasure. After college started, those dollars went to pizza. I should write about pizza. I love pizza, too.

Anyway, I rarely buy books now, because it would cost a fortune and really, really fill up my house. I never have to have a new release right away – my list of to-read is too long to have to jump something to the top. I can wait. I never thought I would like to read on any type of e-reader, especially not on something as small as my phone. Never say never. I love having books jump through the air onto my phone. I always have a book with me, ready for five spare minutes. Perfection.

I never thought I would read more than one book at a time, but now I run two to four at a time. Audio books v print. Actual book v ebook. Fiction v non-fiction. There’s a time and place for all of them.

I stopped by the library to return a book book that I finished yesterday (it was a rare one star for me on Goodreads- not only badly written, but poorly thought out) and timed it right that there was another request ready for pick-up. As I scanned across the T section looking for my book, I forgot I was looking for MY book. I just started looking. Read that. Read that. Oohh, that looks good. Reach….no! That is someone else’s request. This is not shopping. Get your book and go home. On my way to check out, I stopped at two displays and considered. I managed to get out with just the one I came for. I am a beacon of moderation.

2 thoughts on “Booooooks!”

  1. And here’s a recommendation for everyone: Parting Words: 9 Lessons for a Remarkable Life by Benjamin Ferencz. Mr. Ferencz is 102 (still living) and was the lead prosecutor for the Nuremberg trials. It’s a little book – I read it in an evening. Interesting perspective. This is unusual – Barbara (the one who lives with me) is the one who has the more voracious reading habits in line with yours. Although I like to read, too, I almost never recommend a book… First time for everything…

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