Yesterday Barbara received her second Covid booster. And just like her last couple vaccines, her body didn’t so much like it. They don’t seem to have the same effect on me. Well, there was that time I lost some of my hearing in my right ear after a vaccine. Hmm.
Underneath the bundle of covers in today’s photo, she was lying in pain from an untamed and fluctuating 100-102° (roughly 38-39°C) fever, chills, and the usual everything-hurts sort of thing. She definitely deserves (and today needs) the day off from the daily picture. Hopefully she will be back to herself again tomorrow.
All I did today was my usual day job, sitting at the computer and tapping the keys while staring at a screen. This time though it was uncomfortably hot and humid. It reached 98° (36.7°C) outside and very high humidity today and not enough less than that inside. I didn’t run the air conditioning as I figured that she was already dealing with enough chills and didn’t need the house cold too. And I would probably survive just fine without it (which I did). I also went out into the pool alone, which is something I practically never do (I’m not really a water person (yet I do have a pool behind my house (huh))), and it really helped cool me down at the end of the day.

Thanks for filling in today, Keith… And REALLY hope that Barbara is a lot better today. Y’all stay as cool as you can….