Busy Sunday

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Keith was up early and blew out the lines and officially closed the pool. I won’t lie; when I saw it with the cover open, I was inclined to jump in. The 60-degree water would have spit me right back out.

We went early to Hudson to our show today, because we got an email that parking would be at a premium. They did not say that they had installed pay to park meters everywhere. It’s really cheap – but what a bother. We had time to walk along the St. Croix river and I watched and watched to see a bird go to the nest in the picture of the day. I thought maybe I would see a hawk, but hoped for an eagle or a condor or a pterodactyl. Nobody came at all.

We went to see a matinee called Kick the Bucket List. We thought it was a show about being old (er), but it turned out to be four standup comedians focusing their routines on an older crowd. I felt pretty young during the first half of the show. There were definitely funny bits and I smiled a lot, but didn’t laugh much. I do always wonder a bit about the people who are laughing out loud – why aren’t I moved to laugh when they are? The second half was a really funny guy and I laughed heartily.

We were going to go to a movie on the way back to Woodbury, since it timed out just right, but the traffic on I-94 was very slow – making us wonder if we would be late to the show – so we took the more rural route and enjoyed more sun and fall trees. I napped a bit, then we went to the movie Dicks: The Musical. It was verrrrrry off color and verrrrry irreverent and funny and had good singing and some of the creepiest stuff I have ever seen. I enjoyed it. I worried that Keith’s head was falling off, but he concurred with my review, so all was well.

We stopped at Cub to get the groceries for the next few days. Diabetes makes you cook at home all of the time and makes you plan. And you eat a lot more vegetables, so you have to go buy them. I had pizza yesterday and did not die (which had been indicated by the not-very-helpful diabetes lady). I had 20 Cheetos today and have not died yet. Alright, I had 2 more when I was putting the bag away because I literally forgot that I have to think about every bite I eat. I think that might have been a good thing. I hope I don’t wake up in the night worrying about it. I also hope I don’t wake up singing the Beefaroni jingle that the comedian tried really hard to get stuck in my head.

It’s back to work tomorrow after five days off. Five days off makes you not want to go ever again….

4 thoughts on “Busy Sunday”

  1. I concur… Not going to work making one not really want to go to work again ever is a thing. While there are folks who that is definitely NOT for (like the Rolling Stones and some of our mutual friends), I am now THERE.

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