Bye bye Kitties

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Alexander came home from Illinois today. He was going to come and pick up Sophie and Colby, but we volunteered to take them to him. It’s a long drive and we thought it would be nicer for him. We didn’t think about wrangling the kitties into containers. They really don’t go anywhere. They came here three years ago and that is the last time they left their house. The vet comes to them – house calls! We hilariously put them in the box, and they jumped out before we shut the lid. Um. DUH. It seemed a lot easier to put them in separate containers, so we did. Keith is very cautious and made sure the tops were not going to pop open. On the drive, they went back and forth with their yowls. I assume this was the part of the transcript:

I’m in a box…
Me, toooooo
Let me oooooout
I caaaaan’t
But I’m in a box….
Me, tooooo

And so on.

And there is normally NOWHERE they would rather be than in a box. Go figure.

They got home and were happy to be there and see their boy, but not nearly as happy as he was to see them. There was lots of hugging. I believe we were forgiven for boxing them.

3 thoughts on “Bye bye Kitties”

  1. Same business at our house. Boxes are “the place to be” – but not if they’re MOVING. Our thoughts about what Tux is saying in cat-use is less charitable….

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