Camp Snoopy

Monday, February 24, 2025

I had a buuuusssy day in 7th grade math. I needed help from multiple regular teachers to contain the roar of my classes. I am so happy they were able to help me. One of my favorite bits of help was when I called the office to ask how many times I should ask them to please sit down, class has started. I forgot to turn my microphone off, so the kids could hear me. It got quieter as I talked. The office manager asked how many times I had asked. I said 7. She asked if I wanted an administrator to come up. I asked her to hold and asked the now quiet class if they needed someone to come up to tell them how to go to school and they said no, they could figure it out.

Benjin and Sean disappeared to stay in a dome (Dome Sweet Dome) with friends for a getaway on Saturday. They stopped by on their way home. I missed them, but did call during my lunch break just as they arrived. Bye!

After school, I seriously needed a nap. Keith has a new 7am meeting with people in India, so he needed a nap, too. The nap lasted longer than scheduled. I made a quick dinner for myself, gobbled, and we left for the Mall of America.

We “earned” Camp Snoopy tickets while shopping (actually I bought two mall gift cards to earn them. I like to go once/year for “free”) and they expire on Saturday. We have no other free moments between then and today, so today was it. Keith got a quick dinner there and then we were on to the rides.

It turns out that the extra nap time didn’t matter, because it turns out that we are old. Wow. When did that happen? We couldn’t ride too many things multiple times because we felt spun. We went on the up and DOWN blue coaster, and I was rattled pretty hard. I wondered if I could actually get injured from a coaster. We went on the spinny-skateboard-one twice and I was done. I was spun. The turtle flying ride is still best and I went a bunch of times, but Keith was outside of the parameters of riding, so it wasn’t as much fun just looking down on him smiling at me.

We got an extra-long ride on the swings because no one was waiting, and there were memories of throwing up in the ocean floating around the periphery of my brain. We very successfully rode on the Ferris Wheel. We were the only ones on it, so we got on, it went around and around, and we got off. No extra stopping. Cool.

We only spent a little over 2 hours. We rode everything at least once – but usually only once – and we were feeling a little wobbly. We went home BEFORE the park closed. That is just sad.

My plan is to lose weight, be fitter, and get younger. Woo-hoo!

4 thoughts on “Camp Snoopy”

  1. I want to join in on your get younger plan. If that doesn’t work out, my Plan B will be to just act younger.

  2. One class of ninth graders challenged me every single day, but the challenges became more extreme when that group had a sub.

    Once it was so bad that the teacher struggled to finish the hour, then called the office, and said she was going home right then, not finishing the day, and was not taking a sub job at that school ever again. (Maybe the whole district!)

    They were awful. They were the ones I tried saying, “You know, the Indian and Chinese kids are all doing their homework; you might want to, too!” And they responded, “We’re fine the way we are!” Sigh.

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