Saturday, November 4, 2023 Was alive and well in Hudson! 🙂
Friday, November 3, 2023 Keith saw on Facebook that the wife of one of his friends was in a community theater production, so we decided to go. There were over 100 kids in the show, and they announced that everyone had at least one line – and they did! There were bats (man, kids can
King Arthur and Princess Arthena Read More »
Thursday, November 2. 2023 I subbed in special ed today and was treated to a master class in language arts teaching. It was fabulous. The teacher I subbed for team teaches for two hours each day with an absolutely terrific teacher. The building sub was in the room when I arrived, and he said he
Really Good and Leaves Read More »
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 I’m so lucky. I signed up to sub for a language arts teacher at the high school. Then I found out I would be split between her and a social studies teacher. Okay. I like social studies. I got there this morning and found out the two of them were splitting
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 Keith bought pumpkins weeks ago and they looked good out on our front porch. He started trying to carve one of them last night – not in the traditional carving way, but in the sculpting kind of way. Turns out the pumpkn rind (rind?) had the consistency of concrete. He spent
Monday, October 30, 2023 Last year we got our first snow on October 14, so this doesn’t seem early. It’s still coming down and I’m not sad I am not working tomorrow. The roads are supposed to be a mess in the morning. The job I had for today cancelled last week, and I looked
Sunday, October 29, 2023 As Halloween approaches, I have been enjoying the decorations that have appeared in peoples’ yards. None of them even approaches the amazing decorations of a house a few blocks from us. I remember when they started decorating six or seven years ago (8? 10? I don’t know). I loved it. They
Gone with a garage sale Read More »
Saturday, October 28, 2023 I’ve been saying, “This might be the last nice day ’til June,” for a month (I think). Today, it got cold. We went to JoAnn crafty store last night and I heard one of the clerks complaining to a woman checking out (whom she seemed to know) that everyone in Woodbury
Friday, October 27, 2023 I am the idea girl. I say things like, “Wouldn’t it be fun to put the blow-up cake in Ellie’s yard the night before her birthday?” Keith then gets to put the blow-up cake in Ellie’s yard the night before her birthday. Think of all the thinking I save him from.
Thursday, October 26, 2023 We went to see the Spelling Bee play tonight at the Artistry Theater in Bloomington. It was terrific. I have never seen it; knew nothing about it! It was hilarious. I forgot to take a picture while we were there, so we stole the picture of the day from their internet
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Read More »