Nap Day
There were a lot of naps today. Every place Keith sat down there was a nap.
Keith was asked to play a performance with a brass band at the Vintage Band festival this Saturday. Since we were traveling, he could only make one rehearsal – and tonight was the one rehearsal. I wanted to go along, because I like to hear him play. Keith took three naps today in preparation. I
We went out of the house Read More »
I woke up at 4:06am and wondered where my suitcase was. Obviously. Or not. I got a message from Delta yesterday that our suitcase had been loaded onto a flight to Minneapolis. Two of the band travelers were even on the flight and offered to grab it for us, but they were traveling without checked
The luggage fairy came Read More »
That’s how clever I am feeling. I named this after the day. And I am not even sure if it is actually Tuesday. I think so. I took three naps, watched the Wrath of Khan in three installments (between naps), and unpacked part of the suitcase that did come home (early, with Dan and Stacy).
It’s a family saying, and it is also true. Okay, I should probably explain that. One time I had a neck thing going on for several days that HURT SO MUCH. It hurt my neck to blink. TO BLINK! I went to urgent care and they gave me a muscle relaxant. The pain released and
After our lovely trip in first class on the way to Germany, my friend asked me if I could go back to reality and fly in regular seats again. I said of course! It was really nice, but the cost is just too much. I would be back in the back the next time I
Today we are in our hotel room. If you don’t move, you can feel not overheated, so that is nice. I went down to get apples from the lobby for breakfast and just went right out the door. It was so much cooler outside, so I just stood across the street, eating my apple. Several
Pickles and Mustard Read More »
Oh no! I skipped to the end with the title. Pretend I didn’t. Before we left, Keith used a roll of toilet paper to make tissues. Three squares folded up and in a ziploc bag. He uses up the box of tissues every day, so he needs to lay in a supply for the day.
I went to Liechtenstein Read More »
Last night had such promise, and yet failed so miserably. Turns out the “air conditioning” in our room was just pretend. We asked this morning at the front desk about our lack of cool. Turns out it is an air circulation system and will cool the room by 1degreeC. Please realize that that is more
Our trek across Switzerland yesterday was just to get to Geneva so we could go to CERN – the European Organization for Nuclear Research. When we were planning this trip, Keith decided we would fly home from Zurich, because we have never been to Switzerland. It was up to me to think up what we