
COVID is Crap

Late last night I heard from my sister that she and her family wouldn’t be coming today, because her son’s roommates tested positive and out of an abundance of caution for us before our trip, they are keeping their distance. COVID is crap. That was mentioned several times during the conversation. I was so disappointed. […]

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Topper Gun

We finally got a chance to see Top Gun: Maverick tonight (called Topper Gun at our house, per Alexander. Speaking of comparatives, did you know there is an actor named Tom Holland, and an actor named Tom Hollander? It seems entirely reasonable that there is an actor named Tom Hollandest out there somewhere). Everyone we

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Did you ever see the movie Sliding Doors? It stars Gwyneth Paltrow (not my favorite, probably because Pepper Potts is so whiney and is always telling Tony not to save the world, but instead take out the garbage or something like that. Also, I was really sure she was going to get Shakespeare killed or

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Now the pool lights up. The man came today and installed the new light. The old light kinda filled with water, and sorta worked some times, so this is definitely an upgrade. It has a bunch of colors, but all of the blues beat any of the rest of the colors, because blue = pool.

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My brother, Dave, came to our house the night before the BMW motorcycle rally started in St. Paul back in 2014 (I think). He and I Google Earth-ed the state fairgrounds (that seems like it should be capitalized, and maybe italized, the State Fair Grounds. Okay, maybe not) to figure out where he should pitch

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