Christmas Party

Saturday, December 17th, 2023

Today was our annual Christmas party for the guys – Benjamin’s four friends from middle school (and before) and their families. One of the guys wasn’t able to come, but coincidentally his 18-month-old son has a favorite plaything that he calls the guys. It’s a stack of skulls that when they detect motion, they light up their red eyes and say, “I see you.” According to Benjamin [who never even pretends to be brave], it is absolutely terrifying. These guys often ride around in a wagon being pulled by the 18-month-old. I think it is hilarious.

Anyway, we were missing several of the folks this year, but it was still a high point of the season for me. I always make a game, but this year it was more of an activity. We had one 15-month-old and I thought it would be easier to accommodate her if we had a different format. People had to go around to 10 stations and solve Christmas puzzles (mazes, trivia, finding patterns, doing math, jumble, etc) and those answers gave you the answers to a mad lib. Erick dominated and won, although there was no winning.

Our tiny friend was the hit of the party – I think she is wherever she goes. We had some toys for her to play with, but she reaaalllllly liked pushing around a box of ramen noodles we picked up for Alexander at Sam’s Club. She liked it even after she went head over heels over the box and got a bloody lip (first blood injury!!).

And there were ducks! Little rubber duckies kept appearing all over the house. Colorful little rubber duckies kept popping up everywhere. I don’t know where they were coming from, but they were great. They are great. They are all over.

Tomorrow the house will still be clean. I won’t even know what to do with myself. Very exciting.