Christmas Shopping

Monday, December 4, 2023

Keith and I always take a day off in December to shop at the Mall of America. It started when the boys were little little and we would send them to Gramma’s house for an overnight trip. Usually we are done with our shopping before we go – it falls later in the month – and let’s face it, I have been shopping all year long and have all my ideas in place weeks (or months) before. Well, not this year. I have very few ideas. One for TB and TS and two for Alexander. Generally, we do a bit more than that. But traditions change… 🙂

We found a couple things for each other day. On our very first MOA Christmas shopping long ago, we decided it was silly to try to hide ideas and sneak back and get things – we just shout I am getting this for you! and be done with it.

It was a fine day. We earned mall points so we can get ride wristbands and go and spin and swirl in January – that is probably the best part.

2 thoughts on “Christmas Shopping”

  1. That’s an awesome tradition: Good focus and shopping time for you, kiddos get a special holiday sleepover and extra anticipation for Christmas! Love it!

    Really curious to see what happens when I include a website in my signature….

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