Friday, December 13, 2024
Happy Taylor Swift’s 35th birthday! She has certainly achieved a lot in her first 35 years, hasn’t she? And she seems to be a nice person. I hope she enjoys her success and her birthday.
We shopped and shopped, then cooked and cooked! What fun it is to get ready for the Christmas party tomorrow. Is this the 20th annual? It might be! Regardless, it is a high point of the winter holiday season, and I am excited. Keith found out he has a rehearsal tomorrow morning and it did not cause me to completely fall apart. I remember those early years when it took all four of us running around the house all day, hiding everything we own. Phew! Things are more under control now (bigger house, fewer people, seems to work out)
I got an email from a scrapbook company today that said, “Look at your memories from 15 years ago.” I clicked and got a picture of Nancy… which I must have used 15 years ago, but might be a little older than that. I took my picture, because we are both rocking a flip 🙂 Twins!

It’s time for our holly, jolly participation in the POTD! The theme of day thirteen is Advent calendars! Send me a picture of or inspired by counting down until the big day – text or email – or [email protected] by 10pm December 14 and it will be in that day’s blog. If you want to remain anonymous, let me know – otherwise I will give you credit. You don’t have to play every day – any day or every day is fine! We will count down the days to Christmas together!
We have delightful nativity pictures today! Thanks to Louise, Donna, Julie, Daniel, Kristine, Barbara, Keith, me, and Benjamin.