Clever wrenching

Friday, May 12, 2023

Happy Birthday, Mollie!

It is finally warming up and it was time to start the pool pump. The thing about the pool pump is that it doesn’t really like to start in the spring. Each year we had lived here, Keith has come in and said, “I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get it to run. We might have to get a new pump.” Then he tells me about how much more efficient new pumps are and that having a new pump would save money in the long run, and etc. etc. I say, “Get a new pump.” He goes back outside and then returns again and says the pump is running. When I mention getting a new pump a day, week, or month later, he says, “Yeah. That would be a good idea.”

It seems to me getting one before the current ones dies would be prudent. It’s weird, because he is the shopper/buyer and I am the saver/waiter. We are mixed up on this one.

Anyway, today the hard-to-reach cap on a thing was very rusted and not turning and not letting the pump start. Keith cleverly used the locking plier wrench thing to grab it and the giant plier wrench thing to turn it and viola! The pump is running!

And his hands are working well enough since the surgeries that he was able to do it all.


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