
Thursday, February 29,

We went to Minneapolis to see the play Clue tonight. We’ve run into Target Center traffic a couple of times recently, so I happened to think to check what was going on downtown. There was a concert at 7:00 at Target Center. We thought we should leave early, just in case. But we didn’t, because we were watching Jeopardy and have no concept of time. There was no traffic going into the ramp, but the first, second, third, and fourth level had cones in front of their entrances. As we came to level four, there was a car stopped. It moved out of the way, continuing up to the roof, when we came up behind it. We paused, looking around, wondering what they’d been looking at.

There were lots of empty spaces on that level. I jokingly said, “Do you want me to hop out and move the cones?”
Keith didn’t wait a second before he answered, “Yes.”
I awkwardly got out, because I was having comfy body and wasn’t expecting to move. I picked up the cones. No one else had come up the spiral and everything seemed fine. As Keith pulled into level 4, a Jeep came into view. I put the cones back in place and did not make eye contact with the new driver. If they want to break rules, they are going to have to go the whole nine yards. They passed on to the roof.

We went over and got the best parking spot – first out from the elevators, straight to the exit. Win.

The show was very enjoyable. The sets were lovely and the cast was really good. It was not a musical and was performed without an intermission, so it was short. After clapping, we zoomed out of the theater, then zoomed out of the ramp. I pulled my phone out of its secret hiding-in-the-car place, and I had a text from Daniel – a picture almost just like the POTD! They were at the show, too! They were downstairs from our upstairs. We could have met up with them and had an after-show outing if we weren’t already going down 10th Street. First strike against zooming!